Who we are

At Third Coast Education Partners, we are committed to providing excellent service rooted in our clients’ unique needs. Leveraging our experiences in PK-12 instruction, coaching, adult learning, administration, and leadership, we work to provide individualized solutions to support the growth of organizations, districts, and schools.

Lindsay McCrea, Founder and Managing Partner, has worked as a teacher, non-profit program specialist, and district-level curriculum director in the Washington, D.C. Area since 2013. She has led district-wide curriculum development initiatives, including the development of an interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning curriculum for DC Public Schools and serving on standards writing committees for D.C.’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE). As a professional learning designer and facilitator, Lindsay draws on her own experiences as a teacher and coach to design goal-driven professional learning experiences rooted in the science of learning for adults. Lindsay is a proud alumna of Georgetown University’s Master’s of Arts in Educational Transformation with a specialization in Advocacy and Policy.

Matthew McCrea, Partner,